With Spring just around the corner (so we’ve been told….), it is time to make reality of those distant Winter dreams – Warmer weather, warmer water, light evenings and Summer swells!
The Lost Puddle Jumper is possibly our (and everyone else’s for that matter) favourite Summer groveller for mellower conditions. It is the go to board if you are looking to inject more life and more waves into your Summer sessions. Good width and flat rockers turn it into a right little rocket ship, but with volumes high for their lengths, you can step down 4-6″ from your normal length injecting a huge amount of explosiveness into your riding in waves that you would normally question going out in!
What Lost have also done, is improve their design further by introducing it in the super light and strong Carbon wrap construction – the best just got better!
Check out the full details here, along with other shapes/constructions we have available from Lost such as the Round nose fish, sub buggy, short round and more, and get in touch to Pre-Order yours now!